Laboratory "Droplet" is developed in Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building in 1972. G.D. Slabozhanin at the beginning of his teaching activity put forward the idea of creating the training models of hydraulic devices operating on a principle of a sand-glass.
Since 1982 G.D. Slabozhanin together with V.D. Slabozhanin has developed and produced experimental models of five training devices (three of them are presented below at the left).
After improving of some details the set of training devices for the study of general hydraulics, milled from a block of plexiglas and named the training hydraulic laboratory "Droplet" was produced. In 1986 lab «Droplet» was introduced to the educational process, and later was protected by copyrights and patents for the inventions.
In 1990 "Droplet" device took the 1st degree in the All-Union Contest of educational technology at All-Russia Exhibition Centre in the USSR, and the Scientific-methodic Counsel on Hydraulics at the State Committee of Public Education decided to include lab in the list of the typical teaching and laboratory equipment for "Hydraulics" course in education institutions and recommended it for production.
After ineffectual attempts to organize "Droplet" production at the enterprises in Tomsk, Leningrad and Odessa G.D.Slabozhanin developed a simplified manufacturing technology of devices by a method of sheet plexiglas formation. He manufactured the equipment and in 1995 began to duplicate a set of four devices for studying the general hydraulics, which is now referred to as minilab "Droplet-1"
Afterwards D.G. Slabozhanin and A.I. Sobolev developed minilab "Droplet-2" on hydraulics of open flows. Its production started in 2003. N.A. Kalinnikov took part in developing the minilab "Droplet-3" on the bridge hydraulics (available since 2005).
At the present time V.A. Nosikov takes part in creating minilab "Droplet-4" on hydraulics devices. The minilab will include several devices. One of them, the device № 11 on the study of the hydrocyclone work has been already developed by D.G. Slabozhanin and has been produced since 2008.
Gennady Dmitrievich Ph.D., a-professor, TSUAB, the winner of the 1st prize of State Committee on Education of the USSR in 1990 for creation of education-lab equipment; the author of 170 publications on hydraulics, a hydrodrive and water purification including 33 inventions and 1 monography.
Vladimir Dmitrievich The expert in the field of an aviation hydrodrive, the winner of the 1st prize of State Committee on Education of the USSR in 1990 for creation of education-lab equipment; the author of 13 scientific and methodical publications, including 5 inventions.
Dmitry Gennadyevich The engineer in "MEGA-MASTER" company. His professional interests: hydraulics, heating, ventilation, water purification; the author of 27 scientific works, including 5 inventions.
Andrey Ivanovich The engineer-designer in "АКVATEX" company. His professional interests: water preparation, hydraulics of engineering constructions and the equipment. He is the author of 5 scientific works and 2 manuals.
Nikolai Anatolyevich The leading engineer-designer in Joint-Stock Company LPK "Partner-Tomsk". His scientific and professional interests: hydraulics and a hydrodrive, water activation; the author of 8 scientific works and 2 manuals.
Vadim Aleksandrovich The engineer on a speciality «Manufacture of materials and constructions»; the designer of technological equipment for minilab "Droplet-4".